Friday, 28 May 2010

New raku fired portraiture a hit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Much to my delight, my raku fired ceramic portraiture has been a bit of a hit!  As those of you who attended the private view of the degree show will know, I sold a few on the night.

I have also secured a couple of commissions on the strength of what was showing, and now the University of Chichester have requested the loan of 3 small hangings to exhibit on and off campus for the next year.

It appears that what I have achieved is quite unique, so when I get a chance I will start 'plugging' them around galleries to see if I can get them in anywhere else.



Meanwhile, the pottery, fused glass and leaded (stained glass) courses are going well.  Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves as well as learning new skills, which is great.

Off now to do more commission work.

Will update again soon

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Here we go again!!!!!

It all kicks off again tonight, evening classes start with fused glass tonight, leaded glass tomorrow, and pottery on thursday.  Last Friday @ 5pm was the deadline for all of our uni work to be in, and now we are looking forward to the Private View this Friday (and results in July).  It will be great for all of our family and friends to see the results of what we have been rabbiting on about these past three years.

After the big build up to the deadline, I spent the weekend doing NOTHING! Just chillin' out and trying to get over the fact that uni has finished and I am no longer a student (at my age it's probably just as well!)

Anyway, onwards and upwards.  There's going to be a big surge of energy put into the business now, cos we gotta make this work.