Decided to do a bit of raku today, as the weather was at least dry, if not sunny. Some die hard ceramists will tell you that you cannot raku during the winter months, but we have never found a problem with it. Maybe it is the reasonably mild climate in the South of England that helps.....who knows.
Anyway, about a week ago I had glazed some tiles with a picture of an old ironmongers in Havant, Hampshire, that has been empty since the end of 2007 (I think). The building is looking a little neglected now, and it's once beautiful clock has fallen into disrepair with a big hole in the bottom. But I think, for me, the most poignant part of the picture are the Christmas lights still hanging from when the store was closed for the last time.......This road in Havant has now become a bit of a ghost town, with many of its shops boarded up.
So today was the day that the tiles were raku fired. Here is the result!
My Inspiration photo |